Who We Are

Rebbetzin Ruthie Halberstadt

Born in South Africa and having grown up in Israel, she is a student of Rabbi Mordechai Miller zt”l and her father, Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz. She lives in London, together with her husband, Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt and their boys.

Having suffered severe HG in all her pregnancies, she has explored many treatment options, and was driven to get all the help possible to alleviate the symptoms.

At the same time, she felt a deep need to find answers to spiritual questions like:
“What can this experience teach?”
“What is the point of suffering?" ... and this website is the result!

Janice Sugarman

Is a wife, mother, grandmother and teacher who experienced HG in her pregnancies. Having recently witnessed close family and friends struggling with HG, she is passionate about helping women going through this trauma to feel understood and supported. She is also available to discuss with their caregivers ways to alleviate pressure and promote peace of mind.

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